The four east Kurdistan independent parties have formed an alliace.


Unity and alliance of the pro-independence parties of occupied Kurdistan of Iran

You are hereby invited to the official announcement of the formation of an alliance between the parties (Yari Kurd Organization, Kurdistan Independence Movement, Kurdistan Revolutionary Union, Kurdistan Democratic Liberation Movement) and under the title of the Alliance of Kurdistan Independents in the framework of joint cooperation. Participate in political , etc. with the aim of creating an independent government in Iranian-occupied Kurdistan.
Time of the meeting
Sunday 9/01/2022
14:30central european time
Venue: On Google Meet app online using one of the following two links;
Sincerely yours
Leadership of the Kurdistan Independence Alliance

This is the statement issued by the President of the Kurdistan Independence Advocates Alliance.

Dear Guests, our struggling Kurdish people, Kurdish forces and personalities, Journalists and media professionals,

As you may be aware, there are now in the Kurdistan street three currents with different political orientations—those who advocate federalism, confederation and complete independence. We believe that the dominant and most popular discourse among the masses of our people is the liberation discourse calling for independence. Most of the masses of the Kurdish people have come to believe that the only and realistic solution is independence and an end to the Iranian occupation.

Therefore, the Kurdish forces should be aware of these facts, unite their ranks, and unify their political, military and media efforts in order to achieve the goals of our people in freedom and independence. For this reason, we as a group of political parties (Yarsani Yari-Kurd Organization, Kurdistan Revolutionaries Union, Democratic Current for the Liberation of Kurdistan, Kurdistan Independence Movement) resolved to announce this alliance and struggle for the independence of East Kurdistan under Iranian occupation.

Our alliance will continue with international organizations such as the United Nations to pressure the Iranian occupation authorities to submit to international conventions and respect the right of our Kurdish people to self-determination. In the event that the Iranian occupation authorities continue to deny the rights of our people, we will not hesitate to declare armed struggle and target the Iranian state, security and militarily.

The Kurdistan Independence Advocates Alliance adopts the Universal Declaration of Human and Women’s Rights and opposes all forms of discrimination and racism.

Our alliance believes in the necessity of close ranks and cooperation between all non-Persian peoples and currents against the Iranian occupation

Finally, the doors of our alliance are open to every party that wish to join and also to those who believe and fights for the independence of Kurdistan.

Thank you.

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Independence Advocates Alliance
Jan 09 2022

By: Yarsan




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