The year of 1396 (Iranian Calendar) was one of the worst years for the Kurds in the last 40 years in Iran.
According to the Kurdistan Human Right Organization- Rojhelat, more than 93 Kurds in Iran have been hanged out in Iran last Year.
Also more than 1000 Kurdish civilians have been arrested by the Iranian intelligence services agency.
More than 85 Kurdish civilians have been called in and threatened by Iranian intelligence services agency.
19 Kurdish civilians have been injured by exploded Mine.7 of them lost their body parts and 7 of them have been died.
Also at least 38 Kolbars have been killed by direct shooting of Iranian forces and at least more than 91 others have been injured.
The Kolbars are not Smugglers, They are the usual Kurdish citizens who have no jobs to pay and to meet their living expenses. Since the Kurdistan has no industries and no enough jobs, Kurdish citizens who have no jobs to meet their living expenses, they imports Tea, Cigarette, Electrical devices, from border of Iraqi Kurdistan to the Iranian Kurdistan. These people are not smugglers and they called Kolbars. Last year 38 Kolbar have been shot directly by Iranian forces at the borders and died and more than 91 of Kolbars have been injured.
Two Kurdish university students have been forbidden to graduate due to politic problems.
The Kurdish political prisoners, Ayoub asadi in Kashmar prison, Kamran Jaafari in Orumieh prison, Mostafa Salimi in Sanandaj prison, Abdoula Shariati in Rajai Shahr prison, Mohamadamin Abdoulahi in Birjand Prison, Salar Pirzadegan in Orumieh prison, Mohammad Nazari in Rajai shahr Prison, Omar Farhang in Ardabil prison, Hasan Rastegar Majd in Orumieh Prisoners are in the worst situation and each of them has experienced one time Hunger strike or Drug strike in this year. Hasan Rastegar Majd were thrown 20 Lashes inside the Orumieh Prison and Zainab Jalalian is really in dangerous of being blind.
“Hedayat Abdullah Poor”, son of Abu Bakr, from the city of Oshnavieh from the province of Urmia, on Thursday, 18th January 2018, was charged with” acting against the national security “and” membership in the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran” was sentenced by the Revolutionary Court of Urmia to death by hanging twice.
Ramin Hossein panahi, the Kurdish politic activist, who has been arrested by the Iranian Intelligence Agency, 23 June 2017, has been sentenced to death by the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Now Hedayat Abdollapour, Ramin Hossainpanahi, Zaniar and Loughman Moradi are in serious dangerous to be executed very soon.
More than 8 Kurdish Civilian and University student have been died under the Torture, especially after the common anti-government demonstration in Iran.
Also the Iranian regime condemned and confiscated the personal property the real state of two Kurdish political activists, Osman Rahmani And Ayoub Paknahad from Piranshar in Orumieh Province.
Two Kurdish civilian and Nishtman Asadi a Kurdish Journalist and Human right defender, left Iran cause of threatened and pressures.
Rozhan Adlnia, is one of the Roji Kurd’s journalist and one of the Mirovayati’s member.