Daily unemployment rate in Kurdistan is rapidly incrasing and have become commonplace “kolber’s”systematic killings by the military forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Roji Kurd: On Friday 9,March,2018 several people from Piranshahr city, in the local with name”Ptak”, in the border areas of the city have been raided and prosecuted,by Islamic Republic of Iran’s Military.Kurdistan Human Right Organization-Rojhelat,reportedly.
These “Kolber’s” have to escape to save their lives and goods transported by them, and as a result have entered a region that has been mined.
“Amir Khan Rakhide”known as”Amir Shali”from Zargetan village in Piranshahr city had lost his life by as result of the explosion of mines planted in this section and at least two other “Kolber”were injured and one The identity of “Mostafa Ahmadpour”, from Shakhtan village of Piranshahr city has suffered from a flaw and has lost one of his legs. Mostafa Ahmadpour has been transferred to Mahabad Hospital.
The presence of ‘’Kolberi’’ in Kurdistan in Iran is one of the signs of the lack of employment and discrimination of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The lack of employment and income to provide a simple living style, has forced the people of the cities and villages of Kurdistan to work as ‘’Kolber’’ in Iran.
Human rights activists in Kurdistan are believe that ‘’Kolber’’ is one of the systematic methods of the Islamic Republic of Iran to destroy prideand perdious betwwen Kurd and also to shred the pretext for their killing.
Helmet Marouf, the manager of Kurdistan Human Right- Rojhelat says: “Instead of solving the unemployment problems in Kurdistan and creating job creations, the Islamic Republic of Iran has cleared the issue and executed the ‘’Kolber’’ killer which often carries cigarettes or tea, until now,”
This kind of policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kurdistan, is a kind of gradual genocide in Kurdistan, which daily takes lives in a number of cities in the border towns and sometimes also sacrifices ordinary citizens and non-Kolber.
More Newses:
,On Friday 10. February 2018 a ‘’Kolber’’ 25-year-old “Showane Rasouli”, from Baneh City, his corpse was found after the seventh day clinton, inside the valley with hands and feet Pack.
Kolber’s say: “The Iranian border guards throws his into the valley, after his arrestment, while closed his hands and legs”.
By: Rozhan Adlnia