Kurdish Political Prisoner To Be Executed Twice


By: Sarvin Bahozikurdistan

The Urmia’s Revolutionary Court, sentenced a Kurdish political prisoner, from the city of Oshveniyah in Eastern Kurdistan, to death by hanging twice.

Roji Kurd: According to a report from the Kurdistan Human Rights Organisation-Rojhelat, “Hedayat Abdullah Poor”, son of Abu Bakr, from the city of Oshnavieh from the province of Urmia, on Thursday, 18th January 2018, was charged with” acting Against the national security “and” membership in the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran” was sentenced by the Revolutionary Court of Urmia to death.

Hedayat Abdullah Poor and a number of other residents of Oshnavieh who were arrested following the conflict between the Peshmergah of the Democratic Party of Iran’s Kurdistan and the IRGC forces in the village of Qara-Seqal, in Oshnavieh (Shno), were sentenced to the following sentences:

1. Hedayat Abdullah Poor, death sentence
2. Hasel Azizi, 25 years in prison
3. Mohammad Zaher Faramarzi, 20 years in prison
4. Yaqub Beakram, 15 years in prison
5. Jalal Masrouri, 15 years in prison
6. Kamal Masrouri, 11 years in prison
7. Sadiq Beakram, 10 years in prison
8. Saber Rasoul Poor Arnayi, son of Ismael, 19 years in prison
9. Reza Ezzat Taj, son of Mostafa, 19 years in prison
10. Mohammad Abdollahi, son of Osman, 12 years and 6 months in prison
11. Faroq Shafahi, son of Ebrahim, 7 years in prison.

By: Bahozikurdistan, Journalist and Human Right defender in Roji Kurd center.





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