HDP declares that 1,478 Kurdish politicians including 78 democratically-elected mayors have been arrested since July 2016.
The latest public statement by the HDP party, published today 1st, February 2017 , Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksektas the co-heads of the HDP, are also in jail. Prosecutors seek up to 142 years in jail for Demirtas and up to 83 years in jail for Yuksekdag. One of the charges directed to Demirtas is “managing a terrorist organization.”
On the other side Turkey’s Platform for Independent Journalism claims that 151 individuals are in prison for being journalists or for being employed in the news media. after the succeeded coup Dozens of TV stations, news agencies, newspapers, magazines, and radio stations have been closed down by the Turkish government.
According to the Turkish ministry of justice, only seven members of the Islamic State (ISIS) have been convicted of crimes and jailed in Turkey in the last year and a half.