“Massoud Shamsnejad”a lawyer in Uromia was sentenced to 6 years in prison.


“Massoud Shamsnejad”a lawyer who was detained from 8 January 2019 was detained by Branch Three of the Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal of Orumiyeh on charges of “propaganda against the state and acting against national security” He was sentenced to 6 years in prison,On 11 February 2019 Kurdistan Human Right Organization_Rojhelat reported.
The trial of this lawyer was held on 31 January 2019 without the presence of a lawyer, at Branch Three of the Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal of Orumiyeh.
Earlier, the head of the Iranian judiciary had said that there is currently no “political prisoner” in Iran, and that the Iranian judiciary “has never been prosecuted for critique.” Meanwhile, in recent months, dozens of political, civil and social activists have been imprisoned in Iran.




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