Iranian Revolutionary Court in Ahwaz issued 3 years of prison and exile for three Ahwazi Arab civil activists


These activists were arrested at their homes by the Iranian intelligence forces of Ahwaz on Monday, 16 January 2017.

Department 4 of the Revolutionary Court in Ahwaz, headed by Judge Pour Mohammadi accused these three Ahwazi Arabs civil activists named: Issa Damny (Haddad), Mujahid Zergani and Husain (Naji) Heidari of spreading propaganda against the Iranian regime and establishing non-governmental organisations.

Judge of the department 4 sentenced Issa Damny to 1 year in prison in addition to a sentence of exile to the city of Tekab in the northwest of Iran. This sentence issued on 25 May 2017.

Issa Damny 43 years old and has two children, a journalist and teacher of Arabic, Golestan dormitory. Mr. Damny was a participant in multiple scientific seminars and lectures a number of those seminars. He also held the Arabic language classes.

One year of prison to Mujahid Zergani 36-year-old father of a child, a poet, a resident of the Zergan area in north Ahwaz. Mr. Zergani a student of Arabic language and literature in university and was the owner of a shop, one of the founders of a charitable society.

One year of prison to Husain (Naji) Heidari, 38, has two children, a teacher and translator of Arabic Language and Literature, resident of Mashali area in southeast of Ahwaz city civil and cultural activist and a rewarded teacher of Arabic literacy in the city of Ahwaz.




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